Nexus One, Android an' Droid Tips 2Day: What Do Those Funny Status Connection Symbols Icons Mean?

androidn'droidstatus.jpgOn the very top or your Nexus One, Droid, Droid Eris and/or other model Android phone is a bar showing the Notifications and Connection Status Icons. These tiny little icons (symbols) range from obvious like the battery and the phone signal can be confusing so we at Wireless and Mobile News thought we would go through all of them.  It also makes it easier for us to remember what they all are. So what do all those icons on the top mean?

statuscolumn1.jpgBars with an R means that you are roaming.  Bars with an "X' on top show that there is no signal. An exclamation point next to Sim indicates "No SIM card installed."  A phone with buzz marks around means that the Android phone is in vibrate mode.  A speaker with an "x" on the right shows that the ringer is silenced.  The microphone is mute when there is diagonal slash through a microphone. The battery is low when there is very little orange in the symbol that looks like battery. When there is yellow in the battery it is low. When there green in the battery it is partially drained. When the battery is all green the battery is full. The battery is charging when there is a design in the battery. A satellite dish by itself indicates that the GPS is on.  When the satellite dish has signal coming out of it, the Android phone is receiving location data from GPS.statuscolumn2.jpg  The
letter "G" with gray arrows up and down show that GPRS is connected.The
letter "G" with white arrows up and down show that GPRS is in use. The
letter "E" with gray arrows up and down show that EDGE is connected.
The letter "E" with white arrows up and down show that EDGE is in use.
When "3G" with gray up and down arrows is shown, then 3G is connected.
When "3G" with white up and down arrows is shown, then 3G is in use. A
dot with signals coming out of it means that you are connected to a
Wi-Fi network.  The Bluetooth icon indicates Bluetooth is on. The
Bluetooth symbol surrounded by trianges show that the Android phone is
connected to Bluetooth device.   When you see the airplane you are in
airplane mode.  The alarm clock shows that the Alarm is set.  The bars
show the signal strength. An phone handset with signals coming out of
indicates the speakerphone is on.

Note in different version of Android and on different Android phones the symbols may vary and look slightly different.

Below are the icons from the Droid manual, they are just a little different:

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