Mobile mapping services are supposed to help drivers get to their destination on time, however, if you check the night before for an estimated trip time, it may change drastically the next day. It is also very difficult to navigate to several destinations during the day when you are on the road. Spot On Time apps launch today that combine scheduling, mapping and parking into one app that will help you get to your destination on time and stress-free."I love innovation in mobile," said David Rothschild CEO of OT Mobility in an interview with AUTO Connected Car, "Using a lot of research and great data we created a solution to get people to multiple destinations during a day."
In the article Rothschild explains how useful the Spot on Time apps are, especially for parents who have to pickup children from school.
Rothschild formerly worked as SVP Android Software & Services Product Management at Motorola Mobility.
The places people drive to are called Spots making being on time can be stressful.
To get to the spot on time drivers often use various map apps, a calendar app, driving directions, traffic and weather reports on the radio, and previous trips from their memory.
Current mapping apps such as Google Maps and Apple Maps only navigate one drive at a time. If someone needs to drive to three places in a row tomorrow, and four the next day, a map app doesn’t help. The mapping apps also do not give walking directions from parking or parking places.