Top Best: Droid RAZR M, Galaxy S3, iPhone 5 Ghosts, Note 2, New Nexus & Bionic

Top Ten Best Read WiMo News

Most Read Top Wireless and Mobile News Stories this Week in Review:

This week has been a great week for new releases, Android updates, iPad mini, the Samsung Galaxy Note II, announcements, speculation and the next Nexus news.

Here are the top best articles from WiMo News:

  1. Droid RAZR M Review was our most popular feature.
  2. Samsung Galaxy S3 (III) vs iPhone 5 Best Review of Tests
  3.  The iPhone 5 is being visited by the Ghost of Data Past Unlimited.
  4. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 was revealed at big party in NYC with Kanye west.
  5. The 7" iPad mini was revealed.
  6. We were beginning to see the Next Nexus New
  7. The Droid Bionic was finally updated to ICS.
  8. Samsung Galaxy S3 (III) from Sprint was updated to Android Jelly Bean.
  9. There were more Next Nexus rumors.
  10. There was more Samsung Galaxy Note 2(II) news and deals.