Today was a day full of wireless news that is too short to report in full articles. Here's a rundown of the latest news:
- 56% of American adults are now smartphone owners according to a Pew Internet Study. 91% of the adult population now owns some kind of cell phone.
- BlackBerry Messenger for iPhone and Android will available on June 27 for iOS 6 and Android 4.0+.
- Apple is reportedly partnering with Brightstar for an iPhone trade-in program, where customers will isntantly get trade-in value for their old iPhones.
- AT&T will change it's GoPhone plans to on June 20 to only allow certain data packages. The $25 a month plan will only be able to opt for 50MB of datae for $5.00.
- Sony has scheduled an event on June 25 in Germany which some think may be a pure Google Xperia Z or new phablet the Sony Togari.
- In the not true rumor department, first Apple was accused of intentionally throttling data on iPads and iPhone with code approved by carriers(now deleted), which was latter debunked
- In Los Angeles. Mayor-elect Garcetti was there to kick off the AT&T Los Angeles National Day of Civic Hacking, Hackathon, over the weekend. AT&T and event partners awarded more than $25,000 in cash prizes. The top overall apps were:
1st Place – HackForJobs – Challenges the typical process of "searching" for a job and brings jobs to you.
2nd Place – – The website and app allows users the ability to connect with neighbors and exchange fruits through a peer-to-peer network.
3rd Place – Boyle Heights Connect – Helps people communicate with the hospitals, schools and government organizations in Boyle Heights.