U.S. Cellular Black Friday Deals & Beyond: Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Free GS 4 & Free Moto X

FreeSamsugnGalaxyS4bundleOver the holidays and Black Friday U.S. Cellular is offering the "Holiday Bundle Deal," which can total up to $150 in savings depending upon the device.

Black Friday deals include many smartphones for one cent, the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, Motorola Electrify M, LG Optimus F7 and Kyocera Hydro XTRM. A total of ten devices will be penny.

 See all Black Friday deals for all carriers including MetroPCS, AT&T and more.

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Best Black Friday p-Review: Samsung Galaxy S4 Tab 3, Note Deal Round-Up 2013

samsunggalaxyWe're working on a round-up of the best Black Thursday Friday deals coming up this week. Since many Samsung products were released earlier this year, you will see the biggest deepest discounts on Samsung products including the Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 series in 7, 8 and 10.1 " models.

If you need an extra music player,  Wirefly is giving a FREE Samsung Muse MP3 Player with any smartphone.

U.S. Cellular will be selling the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini for one cent on Black Friday, there is also the holiday bundle deal with $100 off the Samsung Galaxy S4, $150 off the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and $100 off the Samsung Galaxy Mega when purchased with device protection, trade-in or mobile hotspot/tablet plan. See all U.S. Cellular deals.

Be sure to check back every day this week for our expanding list of the best Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on tablets, smartphones and the most-wanted gifts. See Walmart/Best Buy, Virgin Mobile, T-Mobile or MetroPCS deals.

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Samsung Galaxy S, Note II, Tab Best in Use & Award Winners

SamsungAndroid, Android mirror on the wall, what are the most widely used Android smartphones and tablets of all?


Samsung recently announced that 100 million Galaxy S and Note phones will ship in 2013.  Figures show huge Samsung growth.  Samsung also has won several CES innovations awards for the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch, Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, Galaxy Note 8.0, Galaxy Tab 3 8 and Samsung Galaxy NX, today.

Samsung in total has won 258 CES awards.

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