
Steve Jobs Vision of & iPad Seen 30 Years Before iPhone/iPad Success

Steve Jobs InnovatoFor those who want to see the background and life of Steve Jobs inventor of the iPad and iPhone, you can watch the entire episode of Nova "Steve Jobs: One Last Thing" from PBS for a limited time(shown below).

The hour-long Nova episode features Walter Mossberg, Ross Perot, Bill Gates, Steve Woznick and other pundits who changed technology forever. It shows the artist, the innovator, the entrepreneurs and visionary aspects of Jobs' life through the eyes of the people who were there.

Some interesting information found in the show include:

  • Jobs always had one more thing to announce.
  • Her received $150Million from Bill Gates to get Apple back on its feet when he came back to Apple.
  • 30 years before the iPad, Jobs showed journalist David Sheff a drawing on a placement of what was to become the iPad that would replace the phone and would replace bookstores with editing and note taking.
  • Bill Fernandez met Jobs in the eighth grade.  Steve Wozniak was a neighbor who Fernandez introduced to his electronic buddy Steve Jobs.
  • The first thing  Jobs and Woz made together made was a way to "fool" the telephone system and make free phone calls.
  • The first mouse was designed by Dean Hovey from a butter dish and ball from roll on deodorant bought a Walgreens by Fernandez.
  • Bill Gates said, "I'd give a lot to have Steve's taste. He has natural intutive taste for people and products...It's magical."
  • Robert Palladino's calligraphy classes at Reed College inspired Jobs' typography design for the Mac.

In a 1994 interview Jobs said "'You tend to get told that the world is the way it is, but life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact; and that is that everything around you that you call life was made up by people no smarter than you … Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”


Watch Steve Jobs: One Last Thing on PBS. See more from PBS Presents.