
New iPhone 5 Review of News Rumors: Profits,vs HTC One X, Screws, Streams & Bans

Hump iPhone 5We're getting closer to the unveiling of the new iPhone 5 and with it a blast from the conjecturatti.  Let's review the latest iPhone news/rumors before the September 12 announcement and Wednesday, aka hump day.

  • iPhone 5 and U.S. Economy - even the gross national product can be touched by the screen iPhone 5 madness.  According to the Wall Street Journal the new iPhone could add between 1/4 and 1/2 of a percentage point the economic growth of the United States in the fourth quarter of this year noted J.P. Morgan economist Michael Feroli.   Yes the iPhone 5 could help the U.S. economy for the rich, however, out-of-work Americans can't afford the new iPhone 5.
  • iPhone 5 Super Sexhay - according to a rap video on CNETV,  "On it the Music Video" the iPhone 5 will be so slim and sexy it will make rappers want to dance with it, hump it and lick it (ewe).  We found it entertaining, for a while the rhapsody of 4G LTE, 4" inch screen, mini connector and since a rapper licks it, is it waterproof  or just germ-proof?
  • New iPhone 5 will have Non-Removable Screws-NOT - not all iPhone rumors can be true.  In fact, a Swedish design firm "Day 4", created a screwy rumor about a kind of screw. They sketched out a screw in a 3D program, a very strange screw where the head was neither star, tracks, pentalobe or whatever, but a unique very impractical form. They rendered the image, put it in an email, sent it to themselves, took a picture of the screen with the e-mail and anonymously uploaded the image to the forum Reddit with the text ”A friend took a photo a while ago at that fruit company, they are obviously even creating their own screws. ” In less than ten hours it showed up at Cult of Mac reporting that the next iPhone would have a non-removable screw. Then it went to Yahoo, Wired and MacWorld. The further away the rumor was from the source the more it was perceived as true.
  • Music Streams of Your Dreams - according to the WSJ and New York Times, Apple may launch a streaming music service like Pandora
  • Buy iPhone 5 Now - without even seeing the iPhone 5,  journalists already want it for NFC, 4G LTE, dock connector,  light weight.  One source is showing new iPhone 5 customers how to pick a plan that works. However most people who already have the latest iPhone 4S will not be up for renewal for another year or so. Also Verizon Wireless is no longer subsidizing unlimited data account for upgrades which could be very costly
  • Patent Pandemonium Could Ensue - today there were report that the current patent disputes with HTC for 4G LTE connections could delay the launch of the iPhone 5.  Samsung also hold 4G LTE patents it could sue Apple over. Wow Nellie, if this should happen, there will be live riots in the streets at the Apple Store.
  • Samsung Unscrewed - according to ComputerWorld Apple [is trying] to replace Samsung at many levels of its component supply stream. [But it's] so far been unable to completely.  Apple wants to ban Samsung components from its devices, but has not been able to unscrew its deep silicon connections with its fiercest rival




3 thoughts on “New iPhone 5 Review of News Rumors: Profits,vs HTC One X, Screws, Streams & Bans”

  1. People think the iPhone is the greatest thing on earth it's just glass, silicon and software, it's not more important than human life itself. Come on guys grow up. An iPhone can't make you whole or happy.

  2. The screwy story shows how screwed up the web is.Post anything about iPhone and it will be copied exactly.

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