Avoid this Verizon Wireless Phishing Scam wAccountNotfiy - Not

Verizon Phishing ScamAs a public service announcement, we received an email phishing scam from what was not Verizon Wireless for a bill that doesn't exist.

The email states  "Your current bill for your account is now available online in My Verizon "

The email looks real to the naked eye, however, when we hovered over the links the links don't go to Verizon Wireless but other links that could be dangerous.

The email address shows it is from wAccountNotify@verizonwireless.com but does not.  We suggest that you don't click on links when you get a bill for an account that doesn't exist. Delete the email immediately.  Because Verizon Wireless has a big market share this scheme may work  some times.

Call Verizon Wireless form a phone if you have any questions.

Put your carrier's web address in your browser and on your smartphone for viewing your account and use that link as a precaution.

When ever you are in doubt, don't answer the email but call your carrier and ask for a direct link.

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