Review of Reviews Best Top Free Apps for T-Mobile G1 and myTouch 3G Android Smartphones

Tmobileapppak.jpgFinding the best apps for the T-Mobile G1 and myTouch 3G Google Android smartphones can be overwhelming because currently there are thousands of apps out there.

So how you can find the best apps? Well you could read reviews of all the apps out there which would take a lot of time, or you could rely on a source like Wireless and Mobile News to review the reviews out there and compile a best of the best list.
We've created this "Review of Reviews" by reviewing all the top reviews out there and then picking the ones that show up the most often as the best and top reviewed apps. 

1. T-Mobile AppPack - T-Mobile did a great shopping job of finding apps that they new their customers would like.  Many of the apps they picked were already well-reviewed and had high download numbers . The apps included are

  • Sherpa, Sherpa learns a person's likes
    and dislikes through behavior and user feedback, prioritizing
    recommended retailers, restaurants and attractions.
  • imeem Mobile streams music customized to your tastes,
    recommending new songs and artists based on which songs you identify
    as your favorites.
  • WorldTour puts live webcams from around the world onto your
    home screen.
  • Phonebook offers an upgraded, more personalized phonebook for
  • FreshFace is a theme engine to further customize your myTouch.
  • Movies by Flixster takes the aspect of movie reviews to the
    next level. Through integration with Facebook, you can find friends
    who also want to see that movie or read reviews from friends who have
    already seen it.  It goes without mentioning that T-Mobile wants users to download their T-Mobile My Account.

ringdroidone.png2. Ringdroid - This ringtone making-app is too much fun not to download. Ringdroid lets you record or edit music and turn it into a ringtone. It supports WAV, MP3 and 3GPP/AMR files.

3. Google Maps - Google has a great relationship with Android and it really shows in the Android Map app.  They claim you will never have to carry a paper map again. It helps you find where you are through My Location and then help you go where you want to go. There's street view and satellite view as well as look for business listings and dial them directly. Google Maps was recently updated with Voice Search and Google Latitude. If you already have Google Maps installed, we suggest the super voice app Goggle Voice.

4.Shop Savvy - shopping app that when you scan barcodes, it looks up items online to comparison shop in real-time. It also saves items for future shopping.

5. WHERE - s a bundle of  useful GPS apps that help you find people, places and things. Are you looking for
the hottest restaurants, coffee or need a
cheap fill-up? Maybe you want to know the local weather, traffic or
headlines? Whatever you are after, WHERE has it in little information widgets.

operaminandroid.jpg6. Opera Mini Browser - browse the entire Web on your Android phone and save time and money.
Opera mini is compressing pages up to 90%, making web browsing fast.
Synchronize your bookmarks, history, notes and more between your
computer and mobile phone.

7. Locale - Locale dynamically manages your phone's settings based on conditions,
such as location.  Never worry about your ringer going off in the wrong
place or at the wrong time again.  With Locale, you can set it and
forget it. If you are always missing important calls because your ringer was off? Locale can let VIP callers always ring though.

sidebar_wertagoo.png8. Wertagoo - nightlifers app with up-to-the-second information about hot venues, share content and
influence the social scene, coordinate plans with all your friends, and
connect with socialites all across the city They claim you can "message, coordinate, and flirt all night long."Winner of the Android Developers Challenge.

9. DataViz - free version allows you view Microsoft Office documents and files on your myTouch 3G or T-Mobile G1 Android phone.

10.PicSay - app that helps you spice of photos with sayings and annotations. The free lite edition of PicSay is available for download on the
Android Market. The pro editon is available in countries that have support for priced
applications. Search the Market for "PicSay Pro".

All myTouch 3G and T-Mobile G1 Android Apps are available on Android Market direclty from your smartphone.