Samsung Galaxy S Tab + Samsung Epic 4G Update with Media Hub Hubbub Already

MediaHubonSamsungEpic4G.JPGSamsung is going to reveal the details of their new Samsung Galaxy S Tablet, the Samsung Tab, later today along with more media hubbub about the Samsung Media Hub.  In the meantime, the Samsung Epic 4G is getting an Over-The-Air (OTA) update to enable its access to the Samsung Media Hub with some bug fixes.

Enhancements found in the update include

  • Added, Media Hub.
  • Modified, WiMAX exit delay.
  • Modified, UI "Noisey" One to "Noisy One."
  • Fixed, 32GB mSD card is not recognized when formatted in device.
  • Fixed, when playing video, the playback is paused if a headset is connected/disconnected.
  • Fixed, "Sorry" popup when DRM file is selected in the Gallery.
  • Fixed, hotspot registration/deregistration.
  • Optimized, HotSpot in 3G idle mode to help conserve battery power.
  • Optimized, applied Qualcomm patch for performance enhancement.

The Samsung Media Hub
will allow users to view movies and TV shows right from the phone.
Prices for the service will range from $3 a day for rentals and $12-$20 a
day for movie purchases.

If you have a Samsung Epic 4G, you can access the updates through the menu and software update features. From your
homescreen, hit Menu<Settings< Software Update.

Be sure to check our very popular article of Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Epic 4G Tips and Tricks.

The Samsung Galaxy S series of phones that includes the Samsung Epic 4G, Samsung Fascinate, Samsung Captivate and Samsung Vibrant all come with the TouchWiz interface, seven home screens, various social hub features and will soon include the Samsung Media Hub.