Top Best: Droid RAZR MAXX, BOGO, HTC Updates, HP TouchPad, HTC Endeavour & Samsung Galaxy Note

TopTen BEST read newsWireless News.jpg

Most Read Top Wireless and Mobile News Stories this Week in Review:

This week has been a great week for new reviews, new releases and updates. Here are the top ten best-read news stories this week.

  • Our readers wanted to know what reviewers thought of the Droid RAZR MAXX and its battery life.
  • What will the iPad 3 be like, we reviewed the latest predictions.
  • HTC confirmed that the HTC Sensation and other HTC popular smartphones will be updated to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.
  • The Verizon buy-one-get-one Free Droid RAZR and Droid RAZR MAXX deal with double data is explained.
  • Verizon employees will be getting first dibs on Droid RAZR limited edition.
  • The Droid RAZR and Droid RAZR MAXX received an OTA update.
  • Verizon Wireless launched new markets.
  • HP's webOS and TouchPad are back in the news.
  • The next big HTC smartphone is expected to be the HTC Endeavor.
  • We examined the lampoon of Verizon commercials by SNL.
  • America's top model could be the Samsung Galaxy Note.