Uh-oh smartphone users are not using safe practices. Telenav commissioned Harris Interactive to examine the habits of smartphone owners in the U.S. Smartphones are used in the "bathroom," on the road and for interpersonal "relationships."
The study found:
- 60% of iPhone owners are more likely to admit to an embarrassing habit than Android owners at 51%.
- 65% of smartphone owners use phone in bathroom.
- 66% drivers use their phone while driving. 30% text and drive simultaneously.
- 11% browse social media while driving. 1 in 10 users admit to sexting.
- The top uses for smartphones were texting 36%, phone calls 24%, e-mail 15%, web browsing 12% and social media 7%.
- 92% of adults in the US on a mobile device.
That is some crazy stats!!! I don't want to drive on the road anymore!!