Top 10 Best: Samsung Galaxy S3 (III), Nexus 7, Epic 4G Touch Update, Nexus Jelly Beaned, Motorola Atrix HD and VZW Share Everything

Top Ten Best Read WiMo News

Most Read Top Wireless and Mobile News Stories this Week in Review:

This week has been a week for the Samsung Galaxy S3,  Nexus 7, deals, ICS/Jelly Bean updates and new releases.

Here are the top WiMo News stories for the week of  7/08-7/to/2012:

  1. On the first day of sale of the  Samsung Galaxy S3 at AT&T there were issues and fixes reported.
  2. Sprint's Samsung Galaxy S2 (II) Samsung Epic 4G Touch  is getting an update to Android 4.04 ICS.
  3. The update for the for Samsung Galaxy Nexus Update  to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is out. One of our readers showed how to force it update with a factory reset.
  4. The Samsung Galaxy S3 (III)  is receiving updates, freebies, screen tests, synch apps and given away for free.
  5. In our Nexus 7 Review of News compared it to the iPad and Amazon Kindle.
  6. Samsung Galaxy S3 (III) ) marketing olympics continues with new forms of  marketing, rocking videos, games and delayed delivery dates while online retailers vie for business with deals.
  7. New Samsung Galaxy S3 (III)  videos highlighted its features not found on the iPhone.
  8. The Motorola Atrix HD made an appearance on the Motorola website before it was announced.
  9. In  Samsung Galaxy S3 (III) News there were gold medals for marketing, free Olympic apps and new developer version
  10. We showed how to deal Verizon’s Share Everything 4G LTE Plans – Keep Unlimited Data & Get the Best Deals