Next Nexus Review of News: LG Nexus 4, Nexus X, HTC Nexus 5, Nexus 7/32GB?

Google Play Ground 4 Nexus

Google Play Ground 4 NexusThere is a new blitz of new Google Nexus rumors surrounding the globe and makers.  Google will hold an event in New York City on October 29. It's not to scare people for Hallowee, it is expected to be the time when all the new Nexus devices will be announced. The costumes for this Halloween party include phabulous phablets, tablets and new partnerships.

There are several possible incarnations in Nexus land which follow (starting with the most likely first):

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Nexus 7 Review of Updates,10.1 Suped-Up Features, Mo' GB & Release Dates

Nexus 7

Nexus 7 UpdateThere has been a great deal of news about Nexus tablets,  updates, upgrades,  storage, next versions and screen sizes.

JB Update - No Going Back?

Google is delivering an update to the Nexus 7 which a minor upgrade with one major features change.

The update to Jelly Bean 4.1.2 for the  Nexus 7 users set the homepage to landscape mode and makes it run smoother and faster. Once you update your Nexus 7 you will not be able to run Jelly Bean 4.1 again. The build number is JZO54K, and the tag is android-4.1.2_r1.

Jelly Bean 4.1.2 also  fixes some bugs. To check for the update go to Settings > About device > Software updates and tap to ch for updates.

Update 10/15/2012: The Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S are starting to get the update to Android 4.1.2 over the air.

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Next Nexus 7 to Beat Kindle Fire Sales @ $99 4 Black Friday?

Nexus $99 cheap

Nexus $99 cheapAs we enter the season gearing up for Black Friday and holiday sales, tablets will be on the buying list for good girls and boys.

It was shown last year, the that people wanted tablets, especially the iPad. The Kindle Fire was the top best seller on Amazon at $199. Amazon will be selling the Kindle Fire HD Kindle Fire HD News, Sideloading Tips, Updates, Returns, Yellowed Whites & YouTubed which now competes with  the Nexus 7. If $199 is too much for your budget, you could adopt a wait and buy attitude.

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Nexus 7 Review of Reviews vs. Kindle Fire HD & new iPad

Nexus 7

Nexus 7The Google Nexus 7 was one the best most popular 7" Android tablets of the summer, let's see why in  WiMo News "Review of Reviews":

The most highly rated feature of the Google Nexus 7 is that it is pure Google experience and will get updates faster than other Android tablets. The exterior design is simple while the software is more complex.  Specs are very good to excellent.

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