If you don't have time to read a full review of the Palm Pre, we suggest two things, read our Review of Reviews of the Palm Pre which summarizes all the top Palm Pre reviews and besure to ead this list of the top ten best things you need to know about Palm Pre features:
- WebOS - the operating system is divine with intuitive gestures, multi-tasking and cards.
- Feel - designed for one-handed use, has a nice feel in the hand and has a keyboard.
- Web browser - is a full speed PC-browser experience with touch zoom.
- Edgy - some people think the edges of the phone while it is open are too sharp.
- Updates/new hardware - there will be changes made to improve the Palm Pre OS in the future and other style smartphones next year.
- Works with iTunes - you can sync your iTunes music, but can't buy directly from iTunes.
- Charge - there is a totally cordless charger the Palm Touchstone the Puck.
- Synergy - this feature syncs "contact info, calendars, messaging clients and search capabilities into a seamless menu system." It also pushes gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail, email.
- Notifications - simple partial screen notifications, that don't interrupt.
- Legacy Palm Apps - will work on the the Palm Pre
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