BlackBerry Storm New OS Worth Waiting For

blackberrythunderstorm.jpgWeathering the early days of the BlackBerry Storm should be worth the wait, when the operating system is upgraded to version 

Boy Genius got a hold of the upgraded O.S. and wrote, " Boy, does this thing improve a whole heap more than did."

To get you up to speed, the BlackBerry Storm shipped with  v4.7.0.65 which has been rumored to be downgraded to avoid even more glitches.

The reported improvements include:

  • Faster accelerometer.
  • Better battery charging life.
  • Better tapping response.
  • Shorter lag time.
  • The

    disappearing keyboard  glitch is still there.

  • The landscape browser has larger better fonts.
  • Fewer reboots needed.
  • Faster music playing and browsing.
  • Faster photo browsers and almost instant thumbnails of photos

They report that data and web loading seems slower and there were more problems with camera.

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